The Immune System: Beating the Cold and Flu by Gary Hopkins
September, 2015
As a Holistic Health Practitioner I often speak about how under estimated the human immune system is currently portrayed in our society today. When I was a kid, western medicine was an entirely different animal than it is now. Back then, people relied on home remedies and boosting their immune system naturally first before rushing to an M.D. for their ailments. In serious situations they would even take the time to get a second opinion before making any major decisions about their health. This is not the case today, as Western Medicine has become largely dogmatic and dictatorial in its current approach to caring for it’s customers. Having said that I will not be focusing on the positives and negatives of current Western Medical practices in this article. Rather, I will be focusing on a practical topic that often comes up in my life personally and professionally and that is - Why I have not had a full-blown cold or flu in about 10 years.
The last cold/flu symptoms I had encountered were in February of 2014. The symptoms only lasted about 36 hours, and were about a 2 on a scale of 10 as far as intensity – it was more of an annoyance than anything debilitating. Prior to that, I cannot remember specifically when the last time I had experienced anything significant in the way of a full-blown cold or flu. I would like to point out that for about the last 10 years or so, I have not had a use for doctors, medications, flu shots or even consulting with medical people for any issues that I may have. I am not against Western Medicine and obviously if I was to break a bone or have a serious accident that would require surgery, I am all for that type of medical care. However when it comes to everyday issues, I rely on organic nutrition, herbs and holistic approaches to remedy any issues that I may encounter and do so very successfully.
When I was younger I was like most people, overworked, stressed, overfed and under nourished due to my lifestyle at the time. I remember when I would catch a cold or the flu, most of the time it would last about a week or two and the remnants (sniffles, coughs, runny nose etc) would linger for another week or two on top of that. I didn’t know it then, but now I clearly understand that this is a sign of a weakened immune system. Fast forward to today; if I encounter anything resembling a cold or flu symptom – which is rare, the duration and intensity is always much less significant than when I was younger.
To be clear, your immune system is not just your body’s ability to get over a cold. It is your body’s ability to heal from any illness, disease or affliction. The time it takes to heal the body of any illness or disease is directly related to the strength or weakness of your immune system. A strong immune system equates to quick recovery. Your immune system is all-inclusive and you either heal efficiently or you don’t. With that in mind I have a few basic guidelines that I follow to keep my immune system as healthy as I can.
These Guidelines are:
1. Consume as much Organic Anti-Oxidant rich foods as you can
2. Create a dense nutritional profile supplementing your diet with Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Spices
3. Stay Hydrated with at least a Half gallon (or half your body weight in ounces) of clean water a day.
4. Get plenty of quality rest and learn how to manage your stress levels.
These guidelines are very simple however most people that I meet live the standard American lifestyle that incorporates very little to none of the above approaches to health and the end result is a population full of illness and disease.
Starting a new regimen like this can be very daunting since most people’s daily habits generally are almost opposite of the above list. So most, essentially have to relearn how to take care of themselves. You have to learn about food, how it is made and where it comes from. You will have to learn what nutrients and anti-oxidants are and how important it is to ingest them regularly. You will have to learn what stress does to the body and the mind and what you can do to counteract that.
My best advice for this is to start slow. Learn a little every week and incorporate as you go. I started doing this about 3 and half years ago. To summarize I went from almost a 100% fast food diet to today where I regularly eat 65% to 75% whole organic foods and I make about half of my own organic supplements and herbal compounds. The process was slow but steady and ever increasingly beneficial along the way. My main objective was not to overwhelm myself with my new habits but to incorporate them over time so they would be long lasting, a process which I am still participating in today. Keep in mind this is a ‘marathon’ approach and not a sprint. Obviously the more you do the quicker the results will come, however slow and steady will help solidify this approach into your daily habits. In hindsight, it is no longer something that I try to do, but more of just how I live.
Now that you are familiar with my long term approach, there are a couple of things that you can start with immediately that are very effective for boosting your immune system and will help greatly diminish if not eliminate altogether the effects of flus and colds.
1. Vitamin C Flush – This is a method that I have used for quite some time, even before I started learning about organic foods and using nutrition as medicine. It’s safe and very effective. The body does not store Vitamin C like other vitamins and minerals. The problem that most people encounter is that they do not take enough when the body needs it. Organic Vitamin C is always best however if you take the Vitamin C that is sold in most places you are most likely taking Absorbic Acid (sold as Vitamin C). Absorbic Acid is basically an incomplete form of Vitamin C. Because of this, your body will only absorb 20 to 25% of what you take. So, a 1000 milligram tablet will only provide you with about 250 milligrams of C at the time of the dose. Before I started making my own Organic C, I was using Absorbic Acid as my Vitamin C. I did have great success with it, however you need to take a lot more than the recommended dosage. For me, when I felt a cold or flu coming on I started taking 1500 mgs to 2000 mgs (remember the actual absorption rate) every 90 minutes or so while I was awake. Using this method, 90% of the time, it helped me to fully recover within a day or two tops. On rare occasions I would keep the symptoms a little longer, however this was a huge improvement compared to the 2 to 4 week durations before practicing with the Vitamin C Flush. With Organic Vitamin C the absorption rate it said to be closer to 100% because of the complete nutritional profile that it provides, because of this you will need to take less throughout the day while achieving the same results.
- More information on Vitamin C HERE.
- If you would like to know more about my Organic Vitamin C go HERE.
- Meet the Dr. who cured his own pneumonia in 3 hours with Vitamin C HERE.
2. The Spicy 5 – while researching herbal remedies for my own conditions I eventually came across a handful of herbs/spices that had some amazing benefits. They are: Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic, Cayenne and Black Pepper. The combined effect that these herbs have on the immune system is a literal powerhouse. Combined, they have an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties along with a long list of other benefits for the human body. They can be taken effectively in different ways. I take them together every day for a proactive approach. Others that I know take them as needed and use them similarly to a strong anti-biotic when they feel a cold or flu coming on. Since I could not find a supplement with all of these ingredients combined into one pill, I decided to make my own and The spicy 5 has become my own personal recipe. After some research if you determine to go with these ingredients separately then always buy organic. Organic herbs/spices are the best quality especially when using them as medicines.
- If you would like to read more about this powerful combo then go HERE.
The above Herbs and Vitamins when used as medicine seek out the root cause of illness and disease in the body by bolstering the immune system. Understand that pharmaceuticals (flu shots, anti-biotics, medications, etc) are all made with chemicals and are designed to mask symptoms in the body. These chemicals only tax the immune system even more, and has to work harder to rid the body of these chemicals in addition to healing itself. When you understand this then it becomes much easier to prevent and or eliminate illness and disease in the body by simply feeding the Immune System instead of starving it and taxing it even further.
September, 2015
As a Holistic Health Practitioner I often speak about how under estimated the human immune system is currently portrayed in our society today. When I was a kid, western medicine was an entirely different animal than it is now. Back then, people relied on home remedies and boosting their immune system naturally first before rushing to an M.D. for their ailments. In serious situations they would even take the time to get a second opinion before making any major decisions about their health. This is not the case today, as Western Medicine has become largely dogmatic and dictatorial in its current approach to caring for it’s customers. Having said that I will not be focusing on the positives and negatives of current Western Medical practices in this article. Rather, I will be focusing on a practical topic that often comes up in my life personally and professionally and that is - Why I have not had a full-blown cold or flu in about 10 years.
The last cold/flu symptoms I had encountered were in February of 2014. The symptoms only lasted about 36 hours, and were about a 2 on a scale of 10 as far as intensity – it was more of an annoyance than anything debilitating. Prior to that, I cannot remember specifically when the last time I had experienced anything significant in the way of a full-blown cold or flu. I would like to point out that for about the last 10 years or so, I have not had a use for doctors, medications, flu shots or even consulting with medical people for any issues that I may have. I am not against Western Medicine and obviously if I was to break a bone or have a serious accident that would require surgery, I am all for that type of medical care. However when it comes to everyday issues, I rely on organic nutrition, herbs and holistic approaches to remedy any issues that I may encounter and do so very successfully.
When I was younger I was like most people, overworked, stressed, overfed and under nourished due to my lifestyle at the time. I remember when I would catch a cold or the flu, most of the time it would last about a week or two and the remnants (sniffles, coughs, runny nose etc) would linger for another week or two on top of that. I didn’t know it then, but now I clearly understand that this is a sign of a weakened immune system. Fast forward to today; if I encounter anything resembling a cold or flu symptom – which is rare, the duration and intensity is always much less significant than when I was younger.
To be clear, your immune system is not just your body’s ability to get over a cold. It is your body’s ability to heal from any illness, disease or affliction. The time it takes to heal the body of any illness or disease is directly related to the strength or weakness of your immune system. A strong immune system equates to quick recovery. Your immune system is all-inclusive and you either heal efficiently or you don’t. With that in mind I have a few basic guidelines that I follow to keep my immune system as healthy as I can.
These Guidelines are:
1. Consume as much Organic Anti-Oxidant rich foods as you can
2. Create a dense nutritional profile supplementing your diet with Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Spices
3. Stay Hydrated with at least a Half gallon (or half your body weight in ounces) of clean water a day.
4. Get plenty of quality rest and learn how to manage your stress levels.
These guidelines are very simple however most people that I meet live the standard American lifestyle that incorporates very little to none of the above approaches to health and the end result is a population full of illness and disease.
Starting a new regimen like this can be very daunting since most people’s daily habits generally are almost opposite of the above list. So most, essentially have to relearn how to take care of themselves. You have to learn about food, how it is made and where it comes from. You will have to learn what nutrients and anti-oxidants are and how important it is to ingest them regularly. You will have to learn what stress does to the body and the mind and what you can do to counteract that.
My best advice for this is to start slow. Learn a little every week and incorporate as you go. I started doing this about 3 and half years ago. To summarize I went from almost a 100% fast food diet to today where I regularly eat 65% to 75% whole organic foods and I make about half of my own organic supplements and herbal compounds. The process was slow but steady and ever increasingly beneficial along the way. My main objective was not to overwhelm myself with my new habits but to incorporate them over time so they would be long lasting, a process which I am still participating in today. Keep in mind this is a ‘marathon’ approach and not a sprint. Obviously the more you do the quicker the results will come, however slow and steady will help solidify this approach into your daily habits. In hindsight, it is no longer something that I try to do, but more of just how I live.
Now that you are familiar with my long term approach, there are a couple of things that you can start with immediately that are very effective for boosting your immune system and will help greatly diminish if not eliminate altogether the effects of flus and colds.
1. Vitamin C Flush – This is a method that I have used for quite some time, even before I started learning about organic foods and using nutrition as medicine. It’s safe and very effective. The body does not store Vitamin C like other vitamins and minerals. The problem that most people encounter is that they do not take enough when the body needs it. Organic Vitamin C is always best however if you take the Vitamin C that is sold in most places you are most likely taking Absorbic Acid (sold as Vitamin C). Absorbic Acid is basically an incomplete form of Vitamin C. Because of this, your body will only absorb 20 to 25% of what you take. So, a 1000 milligram tablet will only provide you with about 250 milligrams of C at the time of the dose. Before I started making my own Organic C, I was using Absorbic Acid as my Vitamin C. I did have great success with it, however you need to take a lot more than the recommended dosage. For me, when I felt a cold or flu coming on I started taking 1500 mgs to 2000 mgs (remember the actual absorption rate) every 90 minutes or so while I was awake. Using this method, 90% of the time, it helped me to fully recover within a day or two tops. On rare occasions I would keep the symptoms a little longer, however this was a huge improvement compared to the 2 to 4 week durations before practicing with the Vitamin C Flush. With Organic Vitamin C the absorption rate it said to be closer to 100% because of the complete nutritional profile that it provides, because of this you will need to take less throughout the day while achieving the same results.
- More information on Vitamin C HERE.
- If you would like to know more about my Organic Vitamin C go HERE.
- Meet the Dr. who cured his own pneumonia in 3 hours with Vitamin C HERE.
2. The Spicy 5 – while researching herbal remedies for my own conditions I eventually came across a handful of herbs/spices that had some amazing benefits. They are: Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic, Cayenne and Black Pepper. The combined effect that these herbs have on the immune system is a literal powerhouse. Combined, they have an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties along with a long list of other benefits for the human body. They can be taken effectively in different ways. I take them together every day for a proactive approach. Others that I know take them as needed and use them similarly to a strong anti-biotic when they feel a cold or flu coming on. Since I could not find a supplement with all of these ingredients combined into one pill, I decided to make my own and The spicy 5 has become my own personal recipe. After some research if you determine to go with these ingredients separately then always buy organic. Organic herbs/spices are the best quality especially when using them as medicines.
- If you would like to read more about this powerful combo then go HERE.
The above Herbs and Vitamins when used as medicine seek out the root cause of illness and disease in the body by bolstering the immune system. Understand that pharmaceuticals (flu shots, anti-biotics, medications, etc) are all made with chemicals and are designed to mask symptoms in the body. These chemicals only tax the immune system even more, and has to work harder to rid the body of these chemicals in addition to healing itself. When you understand this then it becomes much easier to prevent and or eliminate illness and disease in the body by simply feeding the Immune System instead of starving it and taxing it even further.