Myofascial Decompression: Targeted Cupping |
Myofascial Decompression is targeted cupping done generally in a 30 minute session. Gary can treat one to two areas of the body for a variety of muscular, energetic or stagnation issues.
*Although the skin discoloration looks like bruising it is not. The marks that are commonly left from Myofascial Decompression treatments are a desired effect. Read more about discoloration below...
More Cupping Services
*An excellent compliment to any wellness regimen. EMAIL Gary with questions or to schedule an appointment.
What is the discoloration that occurs with a cupping treatment?
Although the skin discoloration looks like bruising it is not. The marks that are commonly left from Cupping treatments are a desired effect. Parking the cups for a period of time in one place helps bring toxins, inflammation, blood and lymph to the skin’s surface. This helps release any stagnation that may be settling in the body, creating poor energy flow or compromising the immune system. Contraindications:
Cupping is contraindicated in cases of severe diseases, i.e. cardiac failure, renal failure, ascites due to hepato-cirrhosis and severe edema, as well as hemorrhagic diseases such as allergic pupura, hemophilia and leukemia, and clients with dermatosis, destruction of skin, or allergic dermatitis. Cupping should not be applied on the portion where hernia exists or has occurred in the past. For pregnant women, the lower abdomen, medial leg and lumbosacral region should be avoided. If there is doubt with any condition you should consult Gary for an opinion or choose another service. |
How many sessions are needed for Best Results?
The number of sessions needed for any issue can vary from person to person, however It is recommended to get a 3 session series for most people to gauge how well your body will respond to the treatment. Benefits of Cupping:
Whether or not you are suffering from symptoms of pain or muscle stiffness, cupping is a great therapy. It provides numerous benefits including: - Lymph Drainage - Loosen Adhesions - Release Deep Tissue Issues - Move Stagnation - Relieve Inflammation - Stimulate Blood Flow - Sedates the Nervous System - Creates Deep Relaxation in the Body The Inverse of Massage:
The suction provided by the silicon cups causes the skin and superficial muscle layer to be lightly drawn into the cup. Cupping is much like the inverse of massage - rather than applying pressure to muscles, it uses gentle pressure to pull them upward. For most clients, this is a particularly relaxing and relieving sensation. |