How I ditched my Chiropractors by Gary Hopkins
October, 2015
A few years ago I was having quite a few physical problems. Because of my growing sedentary lifestyle and fast food diet I was a little over 300 lbs. I had a few medical issues and misalignments in my hips and spine along with some chronic tension. I wouldn’t say that I was completely miserable, however I was mildly uncomfortable a good part of the time. And like most I learned to live with my issues and just ignored them much of the time to get through the day.
Fast forward to today and I am 75 to 80 lbs lighter (depending on the day), the majority of my medical issues are completely gone or virtually non-existent, and my hips and spine are aligned and healthy. I have a lot of specific information on how I achieved all of the above however for this article I am going to focus on how I reversed my hip and spinal misalignments and eventually got to a place where I did not need my Chiropractors any longer.
I would like to say that as far as medical people go, Chiropractors are among my favorites, simply because their approach is the more holistic among western medicine. When I had a need for them I had two on speed dial that I used often. Both of which helped me a great deal, as I was able to avoid surgery for a pretty serious back injury at one time. So, I will always be grateful for them and their profession.
Having said that, knowing what I know now, I am confident that if I had the same or similar type of injury I could successfully treat it myself. Obviously a life threatening condition or injury would require a trip to a medical pro for testing and x-rays to ensure there are no broken bones or deeper issues. However, I find that most people are walking around with non-medical issues that seem extreme to them because they do not know enough about their own body or how to perform basic care for themselves. Thus a lot of needless expensive trips to doctors, chiropractors, physical and massage therapists, etc.
Back Cracking
Going back to when I was in grade school I remember a few fellow students that could make there back and necks ‘crack’ at will. When I had seen this it was always during quiet study time and they would contort their bodies until you could hear the cracking sound associated with a spinal adjustment. At the time I didn’t really understand what they were doing, but I would hear them talk about feeling better. After trying it myself a few times I realized very quickly that I could not to this, and for me it was never pleasant and sometimes hurt a little. So, I wrote it off as a skill that I did not possess and went on with my life.
Right around the time I was turning 40, during a science show on cable television I witnessed a 600 lbs Sumo wrestler do a somersault landing perfectly on his feet, just like a gymnast. Then he proceeded to do a variety of splits demonstrating his extreme flexibility. The show went on to discuss how this man started out at 350 lbs and gained the extra weight for his sport with no heart disease, diabetes or any debilitating medical issues at all. He was actually healthier, stronger and more agile than most people around the world despite the preconceived judgements of just looking at his massive frame. Watching this incredible athlete put my issues into perspective and I was forced to admit to myself that my problems only existed because I was not doing anything about them. It was at this point that I remembered all of the amateur chiropractors I had went to school with, and decided that I would have to learn this new skill if I wanted to feel better.
Targeted Stretching
In my opinion Yoga is one of the best practices that you can do for yourself when promoting wellness in the body and mind. Its benefits are far reaching and usually beyond what most people realize. However more isn’t always better and you should be aware of the many different disciplines (types) of yoga because they do promote different qualities and outcomes in the body. For example, at one time I practiced power yoga for an hour every day for an entire year – long before I acquired my 300 lbs sedentary physique. During that time my strength and flexibility increased similar to that of an amateur gymnast, however in all that time, I was never able to complete a full split, in any direction, and I still had to visit the Chiropractor occasionally. So, although that year and style of yoga was a great benefit for me, it had it’s limitations in the way of not completely eliminating my chronic tension and spinal misalignments. Similarly, from time to time I do get yogi’s that come into my practice that have similar issues with tension and misalignments. It’s not that they are doing anything wrong it’s just that they are missing a component or two in their practice, as I have had in the past. Often times it is a tweak in one direction or the other that makes the difference between a nagging issue and no issue at all.
Because of my prior experience with yoga I knew it would help me feel better and I also knew that a lot of people who do yoga get natural adjustments from the practice, even though this was never fully the case for me. With that in mind I started simply with a few minutes a day on specific known issues - my hips and spine. It had been a while since I had practiced any yoga or even simple stretches for that matter, so I turned to youtube and started looking for specific exercises for my issues. From there, determined to teach myself to adjust my spine like my fellow schoolmates, I modified some of the yoga poses and stretches that I found to explore a little more of what my body could do. After just a week I noticed quite a bit of relief in my body especially in every day activities, like sitting at the computer and walking down the street. I felt better and it was significant. After a month or so of experimenting further with modified poses, I had a breakthrough. My body starting adjusting as if a Chiropractor was helping me. Those audible ‘cracks’ were music to my ears. This was the first time in my life I was able to do this and at an out of shape 300 lbs no less. I also realized early on that I was gaining benefit from just the 5 minutes a day of practice. So much so, that I didn’t feel the need to do any more. This was a big mental adjustment from my previous yoga practice as back then I thought, more time meant better results.
Over time I began to share this information with clients who were having similar issues and just like me, most were seeing the benefits of this type of practice. From there I devised a basic program for anyone having chronic back and hip issues can use to get started with. The idea behind this basic program is to create an internal environment that allows the skeleton to sit in the body properly. When this happens the muscular system is less likely to overreact to any misalignments causing increased chronic tension and pain. The following are the exercises in my basic Targeted Stretching program.
Click the links for details on how to perform these exercises. Perform them in the order listed.
Day 1:
1. Neck Yoga: Do for 1 Minute - A simple technique I came up with using the weight of the head to lengthen the spine.
2. Cat Dog: Do for 2 minutes
3. Hip Stretch on Table (What I call the Standing Pigeon): Do for 1 minute on each leg
Total time 5 minutes
Day 2:
1. Neck Yoga: Do for 1 Minute
2. Cat Dog: Do for 2 minutes
4. Reverse Pigeon: Do for 1 minute on each leg
Total time 5 minutes
*Perform the above for 10 days rotating between Day 1 and Day 2 and then when completed re-evaluate how you feel. Pay close attention to any added mobility in your body and your overall sense of how you feel and any decreased levels of muscular tension. Everyone is unique so results will vary however, I have met only a few people that saw no change at all. If this is you continue to practice and add in some of the methods listed below under the ‘Additional Tools’ section. If you are interested in modifying the above regimen after the first 10 day trial then visit my Stretching section in the Client Resources area for additional types of stretches and yoga poses to swap out. **Note - After the first 10 day trial use the above regimen or a modified version of the above regimen as needed. Over time the frequency of the actual need for this stretching program will diminish as your health improves. For example, after two years of casually practicing this regimen on and off I have gotten to the point to where I rarely need to stretch at all, as my chronic back and hip problems are all but gone.
When performing the above remember to start slow and take your time. Relax into each pose as if you will be settling in for a while. Forcing a stretch can cause pain or injury if you are not careful. True story – the first time I tried yoga I threw by back out trying to force a stretch. I was simply not paying attention and paid the price for it. This happened about a month before I started my yearlong regimen with power yoga. I laugh about it now, but it was a very uncomfortable week for me laying on the couch recovering.
Additional Tools
Correcting the body from chronic tension and misalignments is not totally a mechanical process. For those that do not benefit from the simple exercises above there are most certainly deeper issues involved in the body and in the mind. For these issues you may need a different approach. Because everyone is unique and the reasons for your chronic issues may vary. It may take a little time for you to determine exactly what those issues are and if you need to consult with someone like myself directly.
When choosing a practitioner for chronic tension and skeletal misalignments I would stick with holistic practitioners first. These types of issues can be reversed and restored to original health through holistic means and in only severe conditions would I ever consider drugs and or surgeries. To me this is a begrudging last resort, as going down that road is usually a one way street. So, stick with Chiropractors, Herbalists, Naturopaths, Yogi’s, Massage therapists and Holistic Health Practitioners like myself for consults on particularly stubborn problems. You will never know what works until you have considered all options. Having said that, here are some basic approaches that will help your body to start healing itself naturally, from almost any condition.
1. Diet – you are what you eat! You have heard this many times because it is true. What you ingest on a daily basis will dictate a large percentage of your overall health. Personally I have found a more plant based organic diet is by far the best for you.
2. Supplementing – regardless of how good your diet is, most people in the United States simply do not get enough nutrients in their system. This is because of how the majority of our food is manufactured and processed. Eating organic is the cleanest and most nutritious way to go however you will still need a boost because most of the soils used for mass farming these days are severely nutrient deficient. So a good organic multi-vitamin can do wonders for your body. In addition an extra Magnesium supplement is also recommended for any chronic muscular issues. Click HERE for more on Magnesium.
3. Hydration – Most people largely ignore the importance of drinking clean water. Depending on where you read the body is anywhere from 65% to 75% water and the brain is at around 80% to 85%. Any level of dehydration retards all of the body’s processes. The recommended daily allowance of clean water is 64 ounces a day for the average person. If you go by body weight it is half of your bodyweight in ounces, so for a 200 lbs person it would be 100 ounces to keep the body at a good level of hydration. Although Soft drinks, Coffee and alcohol are liquids they do not count in this equation.
4. Stress Management – Not taking time for yourself to decompress and reset will certainly exacerbate any chronic issue in the body. Make the time, practice meditation, go for walks, get out in nature, and spend time in positive environments. Whatever takes the edge off and works for you then do more of that. Simple and effective.
5. Sleep and proper rest – Personally I believe that sleep is the best doctor you will ever encounter. The body repairs itself when you are in deep sleep. Not getting proper rest is the essentially slow degradation to the system and over time can cause some very deep issues. The above diet, supplementation, hydration, and managing your stress are all great ways that will add to your ability to get deep restful sleep.
Again these tools listed are an outline to get you started in helping your body to recover quicker from injury and chronic issues that lead to pain. There are multitudes of variations on how this can be done so start with the above regimen, take your time and make adjustments along way as needed. If you need additional assistance you can consult any holistic practitioner or if you are in the CIncinnati area you can contact Gary HERE and set up a consultation with some bodywork.
October, 2015
A few years ago I was having quite a few physical problems. Because of my growing sedentary lifestyle and fast food diet I was a little over 300 lbs. I had a few medical issues and misalignments in my hips and spine along with some chronic tension. I wouldn’t say that I was completely miserable, however I was mildly uncomfortable a good part of the time. And like most I learned to live with my issues and just ignored them much of the time to get through the day.
Fast forward to today and I am 75 to 80 lbs lighter (depending on the day), the majority of my medical issues are completely gone or virtually non-existent, and my hips and spine are aligned and healthy. I have a lot of specific information on how I achieved all of the above however for this article I am going to focus on how I reversed my hip and spinal misalignments and eventually got to a place where I did not need my Chiropractors any longer.
I would like to say that as far as medical people go, Chiropractors are among my favorites, simply because their approach is the more holistic among western medicine. When I had a need for them I had two on speed dial that I used often. Both of which helped me a great deal, as I was able to avoid surgery for a pretty serious back injury at one time. So, I will always be grateful for them and their profession.
Having said that, knowing what I know now, I am confident that if I had the same or similar type of injury I could successfully treat it myself. Obviously a life threatening condition or injury would require a trip to a medical pro for testing and x-rays to ensure there are no broken bones or deeper issues. However, I find that most people are walking around with non-medical issues that seem extreme to them because they do not know enough about their own body or how to perform basic care for themselves. Thus a lot of needless expensive trips to doctors, chiropractors, physical and massage therapists, etc.
Back Cracking
Going back to when I was in grade school I remember a few fellow students that could make there back and necks ‘crack’ at will. When I had seen this it was always during quiet study time and they would contort their bodies until you could hear the cracking sound associated with a spinal adjustment. At the time I didn’t really understand what they were doing, but I would hear them talk about feeling better. After trying it myself a few times I realized very quickly that I could not to this, and for me it was never pleasant and sometimes hurt a little. So, I wrote it off as a skill that I did not possess and went on with my life.
Right around the time I was turning 40, during a science show on cable television I witnessed a 600 lbs Sumo wrestler do a somersault landing perfectly on his feet, just like a gymnast. Then he proceeded to do a variety of splits demonstrating his extreme flexibility. The show went on to discuss how this man started out at 350 lbs and gained the extra weight for his sport with no heart disease, diabetes or any debilitating medical issues at all. He was actually healthier, stronger and more agile than most people around the world despite the preconceived judgements of just looking at his massive frame. Watching this incredible athlete put my issues into perspective and I was forced to admit to myself that my problems only existed because I was not doing anything about them. It was at this point that I remembered all of the amateur chiropractors I had went to school with, and decided that I would have to learn this new skill if I wanted to feel better.
Targeted Stretching
In my opinion Yoga is one of the best practices that you can do for yourself when promoting wellness in the body and mind. Its benefits are far reaching and usually beyond what most people realize. However more isn’t always better and you should be aware of the many different disciplines (types) of yoga because they do promote different qualities and outcomes in the body. For example, at one time I practiced power yoga for an hour every day for an entire year – long before I acquired my 300 lbs sedentary physique. During that time my strength and flexibility increased similar to that of an amateur gymnast, however in all that time, I was never able to complete a full split, in any direction, and I still had to visit the Chiropractor occasionally. So, although that year and style of yoga was a great benefit for me, it had it’s limitations in the way of not completely eliminating my chronic tension and spinal misalignments. Similarly, from time to time I do get yogi’s that come into my practice that have similar issues with tension and misalignments. It’s not that they are doing anything wrong it’s just that they are missing a component or two in their practice, as I have had in the past. Often times it is a tweak in one direction or the other that makes the difference between a nagging issue and no issue at all.
Because of my prior experience with yoga I knew it would help me feel better and I also knew that a lot of people who do yoga get natural adjustments from the practice, even though this was never fully the case for me. With that in mind I started simply with a few minutes a day on specific known issues - my hips and spine. It had been a while since I had practiced any yoga or even simple stretches for that matter, so I turned to youtube and started looking for specific exercises for my issues. From there, determined to teach myself to adjust my spine like my fellow schoolmates, I modified some of the yoga poses and stretches that I found to explore a little more of what my body could do. After just a week I noticed quite a bit of relief in my body especially in every day activities, like sitting at the computer and walking down the street. I felt better and it was significant. After a month or so of experimenting further with modified poses, I had a breakthrough. My body starting adjusting as if a Chiropractor was helping me. Those audible ‘cracks’ were music to my ears. This was the first time in my life I was able to do this and at an out of shape 300 lbs no less. I also realized early on that I was gaining benefit from just the 5 minutes a day of practice. So much so, that I didn’t feel the need to do any more. This was a big mental adjustment from my previous yoga practice as back then I thought, more time meant better results.
Over time I began to share this information with clients who were having similar issues and just like me, most were seeing the benefits of this type of practice. From there I devised a basic program for anyone having chronic back and hip issues can use to get started with. The idea behind this basic program is to create an internal environment that allows the skeleton to sit in the body properly. When this happens the muscular system is less likely to overreact to any misalignments causing increased chronic tension and pain. The following are the exercises in my basic Targeted Stretching program.
Click the links for details on how to perform these exercises. Perform them in the order listed.
Day 1:
1. Neck Yoga: Do for 1 Minute - A simple technique I came up with using the weight of the head to lengthen the spine.
2. Cat Dog: Do for 2 minutes
3. Hip Stretch on Table (What I call the Standing Pigeon): Do for 1 minute on each leg
Total time 5 minutes
Day 2:
1. Neck Yoga: Do for 1 Minute
2. Cat Dog: Do for 2 minutes
4. Reverse Pigeon: Do for 1 minute on each leg
Total time 5 minutes
*Perform the above for 10 days rotating between Day 1 and Day 2 and then when completed re-evaluate how you feel. Pay close attention to any added mobility in your body and your overall sense of how you feel and any decreased levels of muscular tension. Everyone is unique so results will vary however, I have met only a few people that saw no change at all. If this is you continue to practice and add in some of the methods listed below under the ‘Additional Tools’ section. If you are interested in modifying the above regimen after the first 10 day trial then visit my Stretching section in the Client Resources area for additional types of stretches and yoga poses to swap out. **Note - After the first 10 day trial use the above regimen or a modified version of the above regimen as needed. Over time the frequency of the actual need for this stretching program will diminish as your health improves. For example, after two years of casually practicing this regimen on and off I have gotten to the point to where I rarely need to stretch at all, as my chronic back and hip problems are all but gone.
When performing the above remember to start slow and take your time. Relax into each pose as if you will be settling in for a while. Forcing a stretch can cause pain or injury if you are not careful. True story – the first time I tried yoga I threw by back out trying to force a stretch. I was simply not paying attention and paid the price for it. This happened about a month before I started my yearlong regimen with power yoga. I laugh about it now, but it was a very uncomfortable week for me laying on the couch recovering.
Additional Tools
Correcting the body from chronic tension and misalignments is not totally a mechanical process. For those that do not benefit from the simple exercises above there are most certainly deeper issues involved in the body and in the mind. For these issues you may need a different approach. Because everyone is unique and the reasons for your chronic issues may vary. It may take a little time for you to determine exactly what those issues are and if you need to consult with someone like myself directly.
When choosing a practitioner for chronic tension and skeletal misalignments I would stick with holistic practitioners first. These types of issues can be reversed and restored to original health through holistic means and in only severe conditions would I ever consider drugs and or surgeries. To me this is a begrudging last resort, as going down that road is usually a one way street. So, stick with Chiropractors, Herbalists, Naturopaths, Yogi’s, Massage therapists and Holistic Health Practitioners like myself for consults on particularly stubborn problems. You will never know what works until you have considered all options. Having said that, here are some basic approaches that will help your body to start healing itself naturally, from almost any condition.
1. Diet – you are what you eat! You have heard this many times because it is true. What you ingest on a daily basis will dictate a large percentage of your overall health. Personally I have found a more plant based organic diet is by far the best for you.
2. Supplementing – regardless of how good your diet is, most people in the United States simply do not get enough nutrients in their system. This is because of how the majority of our food is manufactured and processed. Eating organic is the cleanest and most nutritious way to go however you will still need a boost because most of the soils used for mass farming these days are severely nutrient deficient. So a good organic multi-vitamin can do wonders for your body. In addition an extra Magnesium supplement is also recommended for any chronic muscular issues. Click HERE for more on Magnesium.
3. Hydration – Most people largely ignore the importance of drinking clean water. Depending on where you read the body is anywhere from 65% to 75% water and the brain is at around 80% to 85%. Any level of dehydration retards all of the body’s processes. The recommended daily allowance of clean water is 64 ounces a day for the average person. If you go by body weight it is half of your bodyweight in ounces, so for a 200 lbs person it would be 100 ounces to keep the body at a good level of hydration. Although Soft drinks, Coffee and alcohol are liquids they do not count in this equation.
4. Stress Management – Not taking time for yourself to decompress and reset will certainly exacerbate any chronic issue in the body. Make the time, practice meditation, go for walks, get out in nature, and spend time in positive environments. Whatever takes the edge off and works for you then do more of that. Simple and effective.
5. Sleep and proper rest – Personally I believe that sleep is the best doctor you will ever encounter. The body repairs itself when you are in deep sleep. Not getting proper rest is the essentially slow degradation to the system and over time can cause some very deep issues. The above diet, supplementation, hydration, and managing your stress are all great ways that will add to your ability to get deep restful sleep.
Again these tools listed are an outline to get you started in helping your body to recover quicker from injury and chronic issues that lead to pain. There are multitudes of variations on how this can be done so start with the above regimen, take your time and make adjustments along way as needed. If you need additional assistance you can consult any holistic practitioner or if you are in the CIncinnati area you can contact Gary HERE and set up a consultation with some bodywork.