As a holistic practitioner, I am constantly seeking out safe and natural ways to help improve my client’s quality of health as well as my own. Often when seeking out options for the various problems that are presented to me, I will make myself the Guinea Pig to whatever supplement, exercise or holistic option that I have found, just to see the benefits first hand, if any exist.
Several years ago while doing some research I started seeing many articles on the health benefits of the essential mineral magnesium. I learned that magnesium is present in hundreds of the body’s essential functions and that a large number of people globally are magnesium deficient, due to improper eating habits. Adding magnesium to the diet can help with many issues such as sleeplessness, cramps, constipation, asthma, migraines, high blood pressure, diabetes, restless leg, muscle stiffness as well as a variety of other issues.
Personally I have been taking the supplement regularly over the past 15+ years to help with several minor (and major) issues and with much success. Depending on where you read you will see that the recommended daily allowance by most health authorities is between 250 mg and 1500 mg a day for the average person (professional athletes and people with high stress can be more). Personally, I currently take 2500 mg per day for my issues and have had only positive results. *For reference, I take the majority of my dose in the evening to help deepen my sleep. I only take a small amount in the morning (500 mgs).
The most common side effect when starting a magnesium regimen is diarrhea. This usually happens when people take a little too much in the beginning when trying to determine what dose is best for them. The average dose that is sold in stores is a 250mg tablet, so taking one at bedtime for a few days is usually the safest way to start any regimen. Of course, common sense is always the key here. So, if you get anxious and decide to go with a little higher dose in the beginning and end up giving yourself diarrhea, then just make sure to stop the dosage for a day or two, stay hydrated, and then start again with a lower dose when you are ready.
As a holistic practitioner, I am constantly seeking out safe and natural ways to help improve my client’s quality of health as well as my own. Often when seeking out options for the various problems that are presented to me, I will make myself the Guinea Pig to whatever supplement, exercise or holistic option that I have found, just to see the benefits first hand, if any exist.
Several years ago while doing some research I started seeing many articles on the health benefits of the essential mineral magnesium. I learned that magnesium is present in hundreds of the body’s essential functions and that a large number of people globally are magnesium deficient, due to improper eating habits. Adding magnesium to the diet can help with many issues such as sleeplessness, cramps, constipation, asthma, migraines, high blood pressure, diabetes, restless leg, muscle stiffness as well as a variety of other issues.
Personally I have been taking the supplement regularly over the past 15+ years to help with several minor (and major) issues and with much success. Depending on where you read you will see that the recommended daily allowance by most health authorities is between 250 mg and 1500 mg a day for the average person (professional athletes and people with high stress can be more). Personally, I currently take 2500 mg per day for my issues and have had only positive results. *For reference, I take the majority of my dose in the evening to help deepen my sleep. I only take a small amount in the morning (500 mgs).
The most common side effect when starting a magnesium regimen is diarrhea. This usually happens when people take a little too much in the beginning when trying to determine what dose is best for them. The average dose that is sold in stores is a 250mg tablet, so taking one at bedtime for a few days is usually the safest way to start any regimen. Of course, common sense is always the key here. So, if you get anxious and decide to go with a little higher dose in the beginning and end up giving yourself diarrhea, then just make sure to stop the dosage for a day or two, stay hydrated, and then start again with a lower dose when you are ready.
Below are several articles/videos that discuss the benefits of Magnesium.
Dosing tip:
When starting a magnesium regimen you will want to start slow and work your way up. It is suggested to start with a 250 mg dose before bedtime then monitor your body's progress over the next few days (3 to 6 days). Check in with your body and try to notice the following: Am I getting better quality of sleep? Am I going to the bathroom more (getting diarrhea)? Do my muscles feel looser or more relaxed in general? If all of these effects have not happened or the degree in which they have happened is not quite enough, then increase the dose to 500 mg and monitor for a few more days and so on until you find your threshold. The threshold for most is usually when their stools become loose, but do not have diarrhea. |