The Quote by Gary Hopkins
June, 2013
The ‘Quote’ is an amazing piece of technology. It can inspire you, make you laugh, foster deep thought, be used to emphasize a point, or convey the gist of an entire ideology, all with just a few well choreographed words. People love them and are constantly sharing their favorites throughout all the social media outlets today.
If you enjoy reading quotes like I do, then you can understand how much of an impact these short paragraphs and phrases can have on an individual. They are quite powerful.
An example of this would be: You have just woken up and are about to start your day… you go to your computer to check your Facebook... There, in your news feed is a post by some quote junkie (like me) that had shared in the middle of the night, and low and behold… it is exactly what you needed to hear at that moment. It strikes a cord deep within you about something or someone close to you and all of a sudden, you feel a little better, a little more relieved, and/or a bit more connected.
This example just skims the surface of what I believe is taking place. Since words hold energy, and we are energetic in nature, to me, a good quote is like a well-built bridge. It can take you places that would otherwise be hard to reach without them. A person reading a quote can be instantly connected to the very essence of the person who had written or spoke it in the first place, even if they exist thousands of years apart.
As an amateur writer, on occasion I get inspired about something I see or something that may be on my mind and I will compose a sentence or two, or a short paragraph in quote form. I do share these on the Findingsource Facebook page as well as publish them on
My hopeful intention is that whoever stumbles upon my writings now or in the future, may find them to be useful in some way.
June, 2013
The ‘Quote’ is an amazing piece of technology. It can inspire you, make you laugh, foster deep thought, be used to emphasize a point, or convey the gist of an entire ideology, all with just a few well choreographed words. People love them and are constantly sharing their favorites throughout all the social media outlets today.
If you enjoy reading quotes like I do, then you can understand how much of an impact these short paragraphs and phrases can have on an individual. They are quite powerful.
An example of this would be: You have just woken up and are about to start your day… you go to your computer to check your Facebook... There, in your news feed is a post by some quote junkie (like me) that had shared in the middle of the night, and low and behold… it is exactly what you needed to hear at that moment. It strikes a cord deep within you about something or someone close to you and all of a sudden, you feel a little better, a little more relieved, and/or a bit more connected.
This example just skims the surface of what I believe is taking place. Since words hold energy, and we are energetic in nature, to me, a good quote is like a well-built bridge. It can take you places that would otherwise be hard to reach without them. A person reading a quote can be instantly connected to the very essence of the person who had written or spoke it in the first place, even if they exist thousands of years apart.
As an amateur writer, on occasion I get inspired about something I see or something that may be on my mind and I will compose a sentence or two, or a short paragraph in quote form. I do share these on the Findingsource Facebook page as well as publish them on
My hopeful intention is that whoever stumbles upon my writings now or in the future, may find them to be useful in some way.