Spiritual Superiority by Gary Hopkins
October, 2008
O.K. we’ve all met or heard of them, the self-proclaimed gurus, the life coaches, and the spiritual advisors. First let me say, that there is a definite place for these people, and obviously a great need since there are so many. I do believe that they are a good resource for those of us that need options and guidance in life. However, I must state that no one individual is more important spiritually than the next. In this respect we are all on the same playing field. We are all here to learn our own lessons and follow our own path. Secondly… there is not one person on this planet that isn’t human. Regardless of how developed they are spiritually, they were born, they grew up in some sort of family, and they have their own set of issues and faults just like the rest of us.
Over the past few years I have met numerous individuals that proclaim to know a thing or two about being "spiritual". Some of them even have a small following of individuals that hold them in very high regards. This is a great thing as long as there is no abuse or inappropriate advising.
Obviously, abuse explains itself, but how can we determine inappropriate advice? This can be difficult to spot sometimes, since we, as humans (in the process of seeking enlightenment) tend to dive in first and ask questions later. This, for obvious reasons, can lead us to trouble if we are not careful.
So, how do you choose a guru, life coach, or spiritual council? I have comprised a small list of questions to help you in this process. Let me ad that, this list is not all-inclusive. In the physical realm we are each unique and require unique answers to many of the same issues. What may work for one person may not be the best choice for the next. You will need to do a bit of trial and error, with respect to this, to find the best combination that works for you. Lastly, this list is merely a point of reference. It is a simple guide to help keep you out of potential trouble. It is not law nor is it scripture.
OK, here we go: Things to look for in a spiritual advisor
Is this person knowledgeable about what he/she is teaching? - If this person cannot intelligently explain to you in detail their own life’s purpose, philosophy, and agenda (assuming they have one – yes it’s ok to have an agenda – most of us do), then they probably are floundering spiritually more than you are.
Is this person confident in the council that they are providing you? - Is this person nervous when giving you answers to specific questions? Are they seemingly uncomfortable in their own abilities to help you find the answers that you seek? This is a no-brainer and relates to point #1. A good teacher is comfortable, confident and respectful with any subject matter that you may bring to the table. Also, A good teacher is not afraid to say the words "I don’t know". Be wary of anyone that cannot admit to this when it is obvious. Personal ego has no place in a guru’s heart.
Does this person quote from the same piece of literature with little or no explanation of its meaning to you and your situation? - Learning a specific religion or philosophy is not the issue here. The issue with this is that in the process of learning a specific "brand" of enlightenment, that you do not exclude or dismiss others beliefs around you. This is one way in which wars have been started for centuries. Let’s learn from our ancestors on this one.
Does this person make decisions for you? - Regardless of a teachers/advisors role in your life, this person should respect your judgement in making your own decisions (and mistakes) when it comes to any aspect of "your" life, whether it be personal, financial or professional, etc. If this person is directing you in such a way that makes you feel like you need to consult them at every turn, then it is probably time to re-evaluate your relationship with them. An advisor should only empower you, not fill you with doubt.
Is this person forgiving and non-judgmental? - If you are ever scared or embarrassed of what your advisor will say or think of you, then they are definitely not the right person for you to seek answers from. This relationship should be free of judgement, stress, or anything that makes you feel uncomfortable in any way. If it is not, then dissolve this relationship immediately.
Does this person have high advisory fees? – This is something you are going to have to feel out on your own, since there are people in this world that believe that they can purchase enlightenment. I believe in the concept of "fair exchange", however, if you cannot pay your electric bill as a result of your counseling sessions, then I would say, that is not very "fair". Just use your best judgment on this one and common sense should win the day for you.
Do you resonate with this person? – If you have asked the previous questions and the advisor seems to fit the bill, but you still feel uneasy or uncomfortable in their presence… then this is most likely your intuition telling you to choose another path. Listen to it, since it will guide you better than any outside human interpretation.
Again, in the physical realm we are all equals, regardless of social status or perceptions. So, just know that at the end of the day, these choices are yours to make and you should trust yourself to have the final say. If you make a bad choice along the way (and we all do), then just simply make the correction when you become aware of it. Finally don’t beat yourself up over any mistakes or bad decisions that you have made in this process. It is possible (and likely) that your last mistake just may have been the turning point on your own road to enlightenment.
October, 2008
O.K. we’ve all met or heard of them, the self-proclaimed gurus, the life coaches, and the spiritual advisors. First let me say, that there is a definite place for these people, and obviously a great need since there are so many. I do believe that they are a good resource for those of us that need options and guidance in life. However, I must state that no one individual is more important spiritually than the next. In this respect we are all on the same playing field. We are all here to learn our own lessons and follow our own path. Secondly… there is not one person on this planet that isn’t human. Regardless of how developed they are spiritually, they were born, they grew up in some sort of family, and they have their own set of issues and faults just like the rest of us.
Over the past few years I have met numerous individuals that proclaim to know a thing or two about being "spiritual". Some of them even have a small following of individuals that hold them in very high regards. This is a great thing as long as there is no abuse or inappropriate advising.
Obviously, abuse explains itself, but how can we determine inappropriate advice? This can be difficult to spot sometimes, since we, as humans (in the process of seeking enlightenment) tend to dive in first and ask questions later. This, for obvious reasons, can lead us to trouble if we are not careful.
So, how do you choose a guru, life coach, or spiritual council? I have comprised a small list of questions to help you in this process. Let me ad that, this list is not all-inclusive. In the physical realm we are each unique and require unique answers to many of the same issues. What may work for one person may not be the best choice for the next. You will need to do a bit of trial and error, with respect to this, to find the best combination that works for you. Lastly, this list is merely a point of reference. It is a simple guide to help keep you out of potential trouble. It is not law nor is it scripture.
OK, here we go: Things to look for in a spiritual advisor
Is this person knowledgeable about what he/she is teaching? - If this person cannot intelligently explain to you in detail their own life’s purpose, philosophy, and agenda (assuming they have one – yes it’s ok to have an agenda – most of us do), then they probably are floundering spiritually more than you are.
Is this person confident in the council that they are providing you? - Is this person nervous when giving you answers to specific questions? Are they seemingly uncomfortable in their own abilities to help you find the answers that you seek? This is a no-brainer and relates to point #1. A good teacher is comfortable, confident and respectful with any subject matter that you may bring to the table. Also, A good teacher is not afraid to say the words "I don’t know". Be wary of anyone that cannot admit to this when it is obvious. Personal ego has no place in a guru’s heart.
Does this person quote from the same piece of literature with little or no explanation of its meaning to you and your situation? - Learning a specific religion or philosophy is not the issue here. The issue with this is that in the process of learning a specific "brand" of enlightenment, that you do not exclude or dismiss others beliefs around you. This is one way in which wars have been started for centuries. Let’s learn from our ancestors on this one.
Does this person make decisions for you? - Regardless of a teachers/advisors role in your life, this person should respect your judgement in making your own decisions (and mistakes) when it comes to any aspect of "your" life, whether it be personal, financial or professional, etc. If this person is directing you in such a way that makes you feel like you need to consult them at every turn, then it is probably time to re-evaluate your relationship with them. An advisor should only empower you, not fill you with doubt.
Is this person forgiving and non-judgmental? - If you are ever scared or embarrassed of what your advisor will say or think of you, then they are definitely not the right person for you to seek answers from. This relationship should be free of judgement, stress, or anything that makes you feel uncomfortable in any way. If it is not, then dissolve this relationship immediately.
Does this person have high advisory fees? – This is something you are going to have to feel out on your own, since there are people in this world that believe that they can purchase enlightenment. I believe in the concept of "fair exchange", however, if you cannot pay your electric bill as a result of your counseling sessions, then I would say, that is not very "fair". Just use your best judgment on this one and common sense should win the day for you.
Do you resonate with this person? – If you have asked the previous questions and the advisor seems to fit the bill, but you still feel uneasy or uncomfortable in their presence… then this is most likely your intuition telling you to choose another path. Listen to it, since it will guide you better than any outside human interpretation.
Again, in the physical realm we are all equals, regardless of social status or perceptions. So, just know that at the end of the day, these choices are yours to make and you should trust yourself to have the final say. If you make a bad choice along the way (and we all do), then just simply make the correction when you become aware of it. Finally don’t beat yourself up over any mistakes or bad decisions that you have made in this process. It is possible (and likely) that your last mistake just may have been the turning point on your own road to enlightenment.