Manifesting by Gary Hopkins
December, 2007
What is it to "Manifest"? You’ve probably heard the popular version of this stated as The Law of Attraction (the movie The Secret is making this popular worldwide as we speak). "Manifesting" is quoted as being the way an individual (any individual) can create the reality that they want to live in. The idea is to put yourself in a place in life to receive any of the gifts from the universe of your choosing, at your discretion. Whether it is money, a new car, the perfect lover, that dream job, etc, etc.
Now, the question is…. Does this really work? For me the answer is an undoubting and emphatic YES! Although it is a hard concept to digest at first, when you start taking notice of how you think and feel about everyday things you start to realize pretty quickly at the level of influence that you actually have. Mastery of this concept is another issue, however realizing and acknowledging this simple universal law will make a huge difference in your life. At least it has for me.
The first thing you need to understand is that you can only manifest for yourself. You cannot do it for, to or in spite of another. Of course you can do things that effect others (we do that everyday), however it is up to them whether or not they wish to accept your influence, thus – they are manifesting their own reality for themselves.
What’s the downside? Well, the first thing people overlook is the fact that you literally manifest everything in your life. This includes the bad stuff too. I’m not here to argue with the doomsayers that want to blow up at this portion of the concept with things like "I didn’t ask to lose my job!" or "I didn’t ask to have my spouse leave me!", or any other horrific scenario that they can come up with. For those persons that consistently live in miserable desperation, this idea is going to be difficult to comprehend. My suggestion for you folks is to take your time and really consider what the idea means before blowing up in judgement. Some people take years to achieve a good relationship with this law, for others it can be instant. Manifest it in any way that is comfortable for you.
Because of this negative aspect of manifestation, people are more likely to discount it since most of us do not want to believe that we cause bad things to happen to ourselves. Also, we have been conditioned by society (and loved ones) that these bad things are the result of someone else doing some injustice to us. The fact is that whatever you accept in your life, regardless of what it is, you have manifested it. Obviously the process leading up to these events in ones life are often complex and with many layers. However the great thing about Manifesting is that you do not have to micro manage the process. All you have to do is believe in the concept and accept it. The details will always work themselves out, and often in ways that you never thought of in the first place.
I meet a lot of people that say things like, "well… I think positive thoughts all the time and it never seems to work for me". Manifesting doesn’t mean that you should not be proactive in your approach. For instance, if you are manifesting a new and better job for yourself, then it might be a good idea to get your resume together and take a look through the want ads instead of just "waiting" on the perfect job to walk through the door. OR, maybe you are seeking the perfect mate? (Who isn’t right?). Do you limit your contact with the world and go home every night after work? Only to go out in the world (where all the potential mates are), when you absolutely have to? Being reclusive doesn’t make for good relationships. See the point here?
I find that sometimes just going through the basic motions of scenarios like this coupled with knowing that it will work itself out is enough to start this concept in motion, and before I know it, it has proven itself to be true once again. The goal here is to manifest the outcome, and not the details of the process. Getting bogged down by how you think it should work is often defeating in itself.
Over the last couple of months I have been experimenting with this concept in a different way than I have in the past. Instead of trying to manifest specifics, I have been attempting to manifest in the "Big Picture". This has been very eye opening to say the least. The idea is, again, to not get caught up in the details. You especially do not want to get discouraged when things do not go exactly how you intended. I can say that when manifesting an outcome rather than the steps that lead up to that outcome, is a quite humbling and enlightening experience.
Some examples might be, "I am the pinnacle of achievement in my profession", or "I am happily married to the perfect person for me". For some these can be life long endeavors, however getting started is the same for everyone. Staying positive is a great tool to use. Yes, think happy thoughts, as redundant and impossible as that may seem to some, it is a great tool. However, the bigger component to this is feeling the outcome. You must get acquainted with knowing how to actually feel what it is to have exactly what you want. For me, this has been the hardest part. So, I use visualization to induce the type of feeling that I want to achieve. For instance: If I want cash, then I visualize a stack of money in my hand. I remember what it was like when I had more of it and how that made me feel when I held onto it. Then, I focus on that for a few moments…nothing more, nothing less. Usually in a day or so, I have more money in my hands. *Note: with regards to money - this will work differently for everyone. In my pursuit of becoming a full time healer over the past few years, I have become a Jack of Trades simply to make ends meet while I'm in this process of change. For those of you that have only one job, money may show up in different ways. Maybe you find some, win a lottery (small or large) or get an opportunity to make more by taking a side job. The possibilities are endless, so do not get caught up in how it shows up for you, just understand that it will.
This can work for anyone. I have clients and friends that use these techniques and often report back to me of opportunities that had presented themselves for making extra money that they just didn’t know were available to them. And all for just making some simple changes in the way that they think about these things.
So, start thinking with the "big picture" in mind. Instead of wishing for a better job, see yourself as the executive of your own company. Instead of wishing for a few extra bucks, see yourself as having more than you could ever need. Instead of wishing for a specific person as a mate, see yourself happy with the perfect person for you. Keep being proactive. Do all the things that increase your chances with any of these scenarios. Above all just know (really feel it) that everything will work out perfectly.
For some of you this will be difficult. For others it will happen naturally with little effort. Just understand that thinking in broad general outcomes will create a slingshot effect in your life. You may not achieve "exactly" what you’ve intended, but getting close is a much better place to be than being stagnate and wondering why the world is so difficult.
December, 2007
What is it to "Manifest"? You’ve probably heard the popular version of this stated as The Law of Attraction (the movie The Secret is making this popular worldwide as we speak). "Manifesting" is quoted as being the way an individual (any individual) can create the reality that they want to live in. The idea is to put yourself in a place in life to receive any of the gifts from the universe of your choosing, at your discretion. Whether it is money, a new car, the perfect lover, that dream job, etc, etc.
Now, the question is…. Does this really work? For me the answer is an undoubting and emphatic YES! Although it is a hard concept to digest at first, when you start taking notice of how you think and feel about everyday things you start to realize pretty quickly at the level of influence that you actually have. Mastery of this concept is another issue, however realizing and acknowledging this simple universal law will make a huge difference in your life. At least it has for me.
The first thing you need to understand is that you can only manifest for yourself. You cannot do it for, to or in spite of another. Of course you can do things that effect others (we do that everyday), however it is up to them whether or not they wish to accept your influence, thus – they are manifesting their own reality for themselves.
What’s the downside? Well, the first thing people overlook is the fact that you literally manifest everything in your life. This includes the bad stuff too. I’m not here to argue with the doomsayers that want to blow up at this portion of the concept with things like "I didn’t ask to lose my job!" or "I didn’t ask to have my spouse leave me!", or any other horrific scenario that they can come up with. For those persons that consistently live in miserable desperation, this idea is going to be difficult to comprehend. My suggestion for you folks is to take your time and really consider what the idea means before blowing up in judgement. Some people take years to achieve a good relationship with this law, for others it can be instant. Manifest it in any way that is comfortable for you.
Because of this negative aspect of manifestation, people are more likely to discount it since most of us do not want to believe that we cause bad things to happen to ourselves. Also, we have been conditioned by society (and loved ones) that these bad things are the result of someone else doing some injustice to us. The fact is that whatever you accept in your life, regardless of what it is, you have manifested it. Obviously the process leading up to these events in ones life are often complex and with many layers. However the great thing about Manifesting is that you do not have to micro manage the process. All you have to do is believe in the concept and accept it. The details will always work themselves out, and often in ways that you never thought of in the first place.
I meet a lot of people that say things like, "well… I think positive thoughts all the time and it never seems to work for me". Manifesting doesn’t mean that you should not be proactive in your approach. For instance, if you are manifesting a new and better job for yourself, then it might be a good idea to get your resume together and take a look through the want ads instead of just "waiting" on the perfect job to walk through the door. OR, maybe you are seeking the perfect mate? (Who isn’t right?). Do you limit your contact with the world and go home every night after work? Only to go out in the world (where all the potential mates are), when you absolutely have to? Being reclusive doesn’t make for good relationships. See the point here?
I find that sometimes just going through the basic motions of scenarios like this coupled with knowing that it will work itself out is enough to start this concept in motion, and before I know it, it has proven itself to be true once again. The goal here is to manifest the outcome, and not the details of the process. Getting bogged down by how you think it should work is often defeating in itself.
Over the last couple of months I have been experimenting with this concept in a different way than I have in the past. Instead of trying to manifest specifics, I have been attempting to manifest in the "Big Picture". This has been very eye opening to say the least. The idea is, again, to not get caught up in the details. You especially do not want to get discouraged when things do not go exactly how you intended. I can say that when manifesting an outcome rather than the steps that lead up to that outcome, is a quite humbling and enlightening experience.
Some examples might be, "I am the pinnacle of achievement in my profession", or "I am happily married to the perfect person for me". For some these can be life long endeavors, however getting started is the same for everyone. Staying positive is a great tool to use. Yes, think happy thoughts, as redundant and impossible as that may seem to some, it is a great tool. However, the bigger component to this is feeling the outcome. You must get acquainted with knowing how to actually feel what it is to have exactly what you want. For me, this has been the hardest part. So, I use visualization to induce the type of feeling that I want to achieve. For instance: If I want cash, then I visualize a stack of money in my hand. I remember what it was like when I had more of it and how that made me feel when I held onto it. Then, I focus on that for a few moments…nothing more, nothing less. Usually in a day or so, I have more money in my hands. *Note: with regards to money - this will work differently for everyone. In my pursuit of becoming a full time healer over the past few years, I have become a Jack of Trades simply to make ends meet while I'm in this process of change. For those of you that have only one job, money may show up in different ways. Maybe you find some, win a lottery (small or large) or get an opportunity to make more by taking a side job. The possibilities are endless, so do not get caught up in how it shows up for you, just understand that it will.
This can work for anyone. I have clients and friends that use these techniques and often report back to me of opportunities that had presented themselves for making extra money that they just didn’t know were available to them. And all for just making some simple changes in the way that they think about these things.
So, start thinking with the "big picture" in mind. Instead of wishing for a better job, see yourself as the executive of your own company. Instead of wishing for a few extra bucks, see yourself as having more than you could ever need. Instead of wishing for a specific person as a mate, see yourself happy with the perfect person for you. Keep being proactive. Do all the things that increase your chances with any of these scenarios. Above all just know (really feel it) that everything will work out perfectly.
For some of you this will be difficult. For others it will happen naturally with little effort. Just understand that thinking in broad general outcomes will create a slingshot effect in your life. You may not achieve "exactly" what you’ve intended, but getting close is a much better place to be than being stagnate and wondering why the world is so difficult.