Biocentrism: The theory of everything
"Every now and then, a simple yet radical idea shakes the very foundations of knowledge. The startling discovery that the world was not flat challenged and ultimately changed the way people perceived themselves and their relationships with the world. “If the earth were really round,” it was argued, “Then the people at the bottom would fall off.” For most humans of the 15th century, the notion of Earth as ball of rock was nonsense. The whole of Western natural philosophy is undergoing a sea change again, forced upon us by the experimental findings of quantum theory. At the same time, these findings have increased our doubt and uncertainty about traditional physical explanations of the universe’s genesis and structure. |
Biocentrism completes this shift in worldview, turning the planet upside down again with the revolutionary view that life creates the universe instead of the other way around. In this new paradigm, life is not just an accidental byproduct of the laws of physics." > to continue reading this article please CLICK HERE
Additional resources on Biocentrism:
- Robert
- Biocentic Universe
- Robert Lanza on theory of Biocentrism (video)
- Biocentrism: How life creates the Universe
- Robert Lanza discusses his 'biocentric' view of the universe (Coast to Coast Interview)
- The Biocentric Universe Theory: Life Creates Time, Space, and the Cosmos Itself
- Biocentrism : Our consciousness creates the universe