Auricular Therapy: is a form of needle-less acupuncture performed on reflex points located on the ear. This philosophy is an ancient approach to balancing the bodies energetic systems in much the same way as acupressure and reflexology.
Gary uses an electrical stimulation device as well as an implement called a Teishin to focus on specific points on the ear to help foster balance and accelerated healing in the body. Gary's style an approach with this treatment is non-invasive and is a good adjunct to your Massage, Reflexology or to any wellness program. |
*An excellent compliment to any wellness regimen. EMAIL Gary with questions or to schedule an appointment.
How Does it work?
What is most fascinating about this system is the fact that there are not direct nerve connections between the body and the ear, however; the nerves from the ear, connect to the reflex centers in the brain. The neurological reflex sends messages down to the spinal cord and then to the nerves that connect to the corresponding part of the body. Auricular Therapy is a proven treatment. There is a wide array of published medical research on both acupuncture and auricular therapy. Acupuncture has been safely and effectively used long before the first pharmaceutical drug was patented and sold. |
What Does it feel like?
The Electrical stimulation device that Gary uses is a hand held TENS unit. If you have ever had this therapy in a doctor's or chiropractor's office, it is similar but on a smaller scale. The sensations produced by this are noticeable to a stronger pulsing sensation. The Teishin is used for manual stimulation and is similar to reflexology or acupressure. When finding imbalances in specific points in the ear they can be sore at first just like in any other part of the body. |
- Woman who are pregnant - Anyone with a pacemaker - persons with cochlear implants Benefits:
Although there are many specific benefits to Auricular manipulation, Gary uses a broad spectrum approach in his treatments. Specific issues can be addressed with different protocols, however the majority of the time Gary uses these techniques during Reflexology and Massage sessions. His approach uses 5 to 15 major points to assist with the whole system balancing that is produced by the bodywork styles that he uses. |
History of Auricular Therapy:
The earliest written records of ear acupuncture date back to the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, a compilation of acupuncture procedures that were in practice in 500 BC. Within this extensive text that covers a variety of acupuncture treatments, there is mention of specific acupuncture points on the external ear for the relief of certain medical disorders. However, the manner in which auricular acupuncture is practiced today in China is actually based upon more recent discoveries that occurred in France in the 1950's. The Traditional Oriental Medicine practiced in ancient China included just a scattered array of acupoints on the auricle for just a few health problems, whereas the current practice of auricular acupuncture shows a more complete organization of ear reflex points that can be used to relieve many health problems. In the West, the earliest references to ear treatments were referred to in medical records from ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The most complete descriptions of medical treatments through the ear were recorded in ancient Persia. A trail of evidence of the use of auricular stimulation for the treatment of sciatica back pain can be followed from these Persian records through medieval Europe to modern France. Since the 1950's, the use of specific ear points as a complete reflex system that can alleviate many health problems has been utilized by clinical practitioners in other parts of Europe, in Asia, and in North and South America. |
The World Health Organization: (WHO) announced, in 1990, that Auricular therapy is "probably the most developed and best documented, scientifically, of all the "micro-systems" of acupuncture and is the most practical and widely used." The WHO also recognizes Auricular therapy as a treatment option for over 150 conditions.
Electro Auricular therapy has been well documented, researched both nationally and internationally and is published in medical journals. The technique is just making its appearance in the United States but this therapy is widely used in many European countries. Auricular therapy has been proven to bring healing and pain relief, often after all other medical interventions have failed. |